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Profiling Sida's Guarantee Programme


The Report profiles the Sida Guarantee Program since its inception and presents findings on how guarantees can mobilize private investment for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), determines the most effective uses of guarantees, and identifies how different organizations / funders can participate in guarantee issuance to better contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

The Report is divided into five parts:

  • PART I provides a background and conceptual discussion of guarantees, including benefits and risks
  • PART II provides a background on guarantee issuers, market players, and intermediaries
  • PART III explores the history of Sida’s guarantee programme, profiles Sida’s guarantee portfolio, explores stakeholder perspectives on designing and deploying the instrument, and spotlights vital case studies
  • PART IV outlines key learnings and practical guidance on best practices for guarantee issuance
  • PART V lists key recommendations on how the development community can best deploy guarantees to mobilize private investment at scale
    22 Nov 22
    Policy and Research Reports
    Region Focus
    Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa, Latin America & the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, East Asia and Pacific