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Member Training: How Blended Capital is Financing Climate-Smart Agriculture

Rapid global population growth coupled with a shift in dietary preferences is causing unprecedented pressure on food systems, straining and depleting soils, water and biodiversity. The effects of climate change including higher temperatures, unpredictable weather patterns and invasive crops and pests are exacerbating this challenge. While agriculture must to adapt to new climate realities, it is also a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach to managing landscapes that applies a three-pronged strategy to address both climate change and food security, aiming to simultaneously achieve increased productivity, enhanced resilience and reduced emissions.

This training looked at CSA in practice and the potential broader impact of a more sustainable agricultural production value chain on health, environment, livelihoods and gender. We invited industry practitioners to share the latest global trends for investment in the sector and the role that blended finance can play in financing and scaling up interventions. Three blended finance transactions demonstrating the application of blended finance in support of CSA were profiled.

The session featured speakers from CGIAR, the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator, Sail Ventures and Acumen.

Date And Time

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (GMT+00:00)