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CC Facility launches new call for applications targeting sustainable agriculture and climate adaptation
Who Are the Top Investors in Gender-Focused Blended Finance Deals?
Impact Story: adOpes - a microleasing platform offering productive assets to smallholder farmers and micro enterprises
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund Member Spotlight with Victoria Sabula
Convergence and East Africa Venture Capital Association announce partnership to develop blended finance in Africa
Three takeaways from recent reports on gender and blended finance
Breaking Down the Billions: A Closer Look into Convergence’s Design Funding Program’s $2 Billion Mobilization Figure
To support climate adaptation, experienced fund managers must take the lead
Blended finance isn’t perfect, but it’s essential
To mobilize private capital for sustainable development, we need standardization at scale
BPL Member Spotlight with Harry McIndoe
If foreign aid and climate action is out, blended finance must step in