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Changing Lives: Private Sector Solutions for Helping Smallholder Farmers

The Global Agriculture & Food Security Program

Since the GAFSP program began in 2011, the Private Sector Window has approved investments totaling $475 million to support 89 agribusiness investment projects in 29 countries. In addition, the program has approved 101 advisory projects in 35 countries for $53 million.

The latest edition of Changing Lives offers a snapshot of some of the program's most recent GAFSP Private Sector Window investment and advisory projects. Organized under four themes, these investments focus on efforts to transform the lives of smallholders through 1) raising agricultural productivity and improving climate resilience; 2) promoting inclusive business and gender; 3) increasing nutritional intake and adoption of high-yield and innovative technology; and 4) improving access to finance.

    27 May 24
    Policy and Research Reports
    Region Focus
    Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America & the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia
    Sector Focus
    Sub-Sector Focus
    Climate Resilient / Sustainable Agriculture, Agricultural Inputs / Farm Productivity, Agriculture Finance