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Impact Investing Issues List for 501(c)(3) Non-profit organizations creating a for-profit legal entity

Patricia Sulser, Carol Mates, Laura Hills, Barbara Day

Investing for impact is gaining significant traction, and innovative approaches like blended finance are seeing growing interest among both impact- and return-seeking stakeholders.

For some non-profits, impact investing and blended finance will be new territory. The creation of separate commercial venture structures often implicit in blended transactions, is a departure from fundraising that is familiar to most non-profits. This Issues List is designed to help the non-profit organization to spot issues and reflect on resource of allocation, so that the ultimate structure responds to the non-profit’s and its for-profit investors’ objectives. It is also intended as a checklist of considerations for non-profit advisors who may be less familiar with profit-making businesses and the investors in them.

    06 May 21
    Primers and Toolkits
    Sector Focus