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Sourcing from Smallholders: Complex Challenge or Commercial Opportunity?

Commercial Agriculture for Smallholder and Agribusiness (CASA)

CASA TAF’s second annual learning paper adds to the body of knowledge on the commercial and development impact potential of smallholder-sourcing agribusiness models.

The paper quantifies the share of investment flowing to agribusinesses sourcing from smallholder farmers within the broader category of agriculture; and captures 15 investor perspectives on the commercial viability and development impact of companies that source from smallholder farmers.

Five key takeaways are recommended for investors, agribusinesses and development partners which will enable greater recognition of smallholder-sourcing businesses as an asset class; catalyse the provision of targeted upstream support to smallholder suppliers; and encourage the creation of investment vehicles with less prescriptive investment horizons to allow flexibility for investments to generate returns at their own rate.

    29 Mar 21
    Policy and Research Reports
    Region Focus
    South Asia, East Asia and Pacific, Latin America & the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa
    Sector Focus
    Sub-Sector Focus
    Agricultural Inputs / Farm Productivity, Agriculture Finance, Agro-Forestry, Agro-Processing, Climate Resilient / Sustainable Agriculture