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The Action Plan for Climate and SDG Investment Mobilization


This is the full Action Plan (60 pages), to read the the high level summary of the Action Plan (25 pages), go here. For the Action Plan Annexes, go here.

Developed in consultation with over 100 public, philanthropic, and private stakeholders, the Action Plan identifies how a small amount of public and philanthropic fi nancial resources can act as a systemwide catalyst, combining strategically with Multilateral Development Bank and Development Finance Institution (MDB/DFI) investments and private capital to drive systemic change.

The Action Plan responds to the Climate Finance Delivery Plan’s call to consider the broader financial transition needed to implement Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement, and calls for deeper public-private-philanthropic collaboration to address the two enduring constraints to greater long-term capital flows that build resilient societies: increasing the number of investable climate and SDG projects and the supply of capital willing and able to invest i n these projects in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs).

In five integrated pillars, the Action Plan provides a blueprint for a creative rethinking of how a portion of existing development finance and assistance resources are deployed.

    08 Nov 22
    Policy and Research Reports