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Unlocking Private Capital for African Agriculture - Aceli Africa Learning Report Year 2

Aceli Africa

Aceli Africa is a market catalyst mobilizing private capital for small- and medium-enterprises (SMEs) in the agriculture sector. Aceli offers financial incentives for commercial banks, non-bank financial institutions, and international social lenders so they can overcome the high risks and transaction costs of lending to agricultural SMEs in Sub- Saharan Africa.

Since launching in September 2020 in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, Aceli has provided incentives for 713 loans totaling $84M to agricultural SMEs that collectively purchase crops from 429k farmers and employ 16k full-time workers. More than half of these loans are going to first-time borrowers and the impact profile of the loans exceeds targets for most priority categories.

Aceli aims to fill a dual void by testing and iterating solutions to address a longstanding market gap, while simultaneously building the evidence base for what works in the agri-SME finance sector. This Y2 Learning Report seeks to provide continuous improvement of the Aceli approach and contribute to sector learning.

    22 Mar 23
    Policy and Research Reports
    Region Focus
    Sub-Saharan Africa
    Sector Focus
    Sub-Sector Focus
    Climate Resilient / Sustainable Agriculture