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Convergence, as a field builder in the blended finance arena, has a unique role as translator between commercial capital providers and concessional funders. We see an opportunity to use this role to bring particular impact themes to the fore and increase the ability for catalytic capital providers to achieve impact goals through investments.

Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment

Gender Equality is essential to sustainable development.The field of blended finance has an important role to play to ensure that investment dollars can effectively align with SDG 5 and to ensure that we are catalyzing the investment needed to advance gender equality and women's economic empowerment.

Convergence aims to:

  • Bring gender to the forefront of the blended finance deal flow
  • Build the capacity of development actors to use blended finance to contribute to gender equality and women's economic empowerment
  • Expand the data available about blended finance deals seeking to improve gender equality
See a snapshot of our market data on gender equality and learn more below about Convergence's work to date at the intersection of blended finance and gender equality.

Gender transactions by Region
